The Bear Facts

Here are some helpful tips to avoid bear and human interaction:

Bears are drawn to smells such as garbage, pet food, bird feed, composted piles, fruit trees, berry bushes, livestock feed, dirty barbecue grills, beehives and petroleum products.

Please do not feed the Bears!

Feeding bears creates a major problem and may cause harm to the bear and the general public - you will be cited with a fine. If a bear doesn't feed it will move along.

If you encounter a bear:

If a bear approaches, move your family indoors immediately. Try to remain calm, don't panic. Respect the bear's space, never approach a bear. If you see a baby bear, don't try to pet it. Don't scream or yell as this may provoke a bear. Don't run as this may trigger a pursuit by a bear.

If you spot a bear in a residential area call 509.722.7659 or 509.634.2110 Monday thru Thursday 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. After normal work hours, call 800.551.5800.

Bear Aware PDF