Programmatic Plan

This Programmatic Land Management Plan (PLMP or Plan) provides broad direction on how the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation (CTCR) will manage land and water acquired with Accord funds for habitat protection and improvement. The PLMP incorporates Tribal values for land management, describes potential management actions, and identifies the criteria for selecting and implementing management actions. The Plan also describes the effectiveness monitoring protocols that CTCR’s Fish & Wildlife Program will use to determine if management actions achieve intended objectives. Monitoring results will inform adaptive management as well as CTCR’s periodic review and update of the PLMP.

We encourage you to review the PLMP using the link below, and provide comments/feedback. To leave a comment, please fill out the Comments Form and click the “Send Comments” button below.

Programmatic Land Management Plan for the Okanogan Subbasin PDF