Overview and Purpose

The Colville Tribes' Fish & Wildlife (CTFW) program was established in 1976 and is responsible for managing and co-managing fish and wildlife populations and habitats on and off-reservation to meet the cultural and subsistence needs of the Colville membership while assisting various federal and state entities meet mitigation obligations arising under the Federal Endangered Species Act, Northwest Power Act, and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license requirements.

CTFW currently employs approximately 130 fish and wildlife biologists, technicians, administrative professionals, and support staff and is organized into four divisions: the Administrative, Anadromous Fisheries, Resident Fisheries, and Wildlife Divisions. CTFW has offices in Nespelem, Omak, Spokane, Inchelium, and Wenatchee.
In 2008, the Colville Tribes entered into a 10-year agreement with the three federal agencies responsible for operation and maintenance of the Federal Columbia River Power System: the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA); U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (collectively the Action Agencies). This agreement is called the Columbia Basin Fish Accords (Fish Accords). Through the Fish Accords, the Action Agencies provide long-term funding commitments to support implementation activities for the protection and recovery of salmon and steelhead listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in a manner that recognizes the Colville Tribes as a governmental partner in the protection and recovery of upper Columbia River ESA-listed salmon and steelhead.